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Roster - New Orleans Pelicans

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Pierre The Pelican

The humble team mascot is an important piece in an organisation, as it can represent a vast variety of aspects from a united community, religion or just a welcoming figure for families can embrace and connect with to leave lasting memories.
As silly as it sounds, one of GM Blackmajestic's first tasks when entering the seat in the 2014-15 off season was to improve how Pierre The Pelican was veiwed around the community. Often families would leave suggestions in the suggestion box that Pierre frightened their children to the point that the kids would break down crying and in some situations, families would have to leave the game early due to the children's distress. 
So, Blackmajestic and team did what he could to make Pierre look more warm and inviting, by giving him a make over so children would be excited when seeing Pierre, instead of fearing for their lives. 

It is well documented around the league, that some players dont appreciate mascots being in the vicinity of them during warm ups or shoot arounds or at all for a matter of fact. It is often big men that have this phobia of mascots, as on a number of occasions Dallas Centre, DeAndre Jordan and Portland Centre, Robin Lopez have attacked mascots around the league, where on occasions security has had to step in to separate the responsible parties.
"I 100 percent understand phobias. I'm petrified of heights to the point where i have a tendency to vomit, which has happened on a number of occasions." Said Blackmajestic 
"We changed the way Pierre looks but deep down, Pierre is a strange character. I tend to stay away from him to be honest. I feel safer that way." Quoted the General Manager.

The fear of mascots is referred to as masklophobia and we believe Blake Griffin may suffer from this condition.
Griffin, an avid tweeter, has been sidelined for the past couple of weeks with a quad tear but has been travelling with the team on their road trips and was present at the Indiana verse Charlotte game, where an incident took place between Griffin and Hugo, the Hornets mascots. Griffin vented his disgust of the situation over twitter referring to as mascots as "glorified circus freaks"
The morning of the 25th of January, as the Indiana Pacers were heading for the airport, video footage shows Pierre the Pelican taunting Blake Griffin for a number of minutes in the lobby of the Charlotte hotel and referring directly to the tweet from the night before. 
Later that afternoon, it was reported that Blake Griffin had a spiral fracture of his fifth metatarsal after assaulting a Indiana Pacers equipment manager. Police are reveiwing the footage of both incidents to see if there is a correlation between the two and a decision is to be made in the coming days.
"What Pierre did was inappropriate and childish and he shall be sanctioned internally after the police report their findings. As for Blake Griffin, he is a superstar of the NLL and it's really a shame to see him in street clothes for up to 2 months with this injury. Maybe GM Sheed should think long and hard about putting this season on the shelf and getting a nice young talent via the draft." GM Blackmajestic had to say when asked about the incident.

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